- The 2013 CrossFit Games season is upon us, it comprises of three tests of fitness comprised of, the Open, the Regionals, and the World Championships – The CrossFit Games. The CrossFit Games Open is a 5-week online competition from March 6th-April 7th where each athlete does a single workout per week that’s scored and submitted online. The workouts will be announced each Wednesday evening and each athlete has until Sunday evening to complete and submit their score. Not only can athletes see where they stack up against the region, but also against their friends and families across the world. At Crossfit Progression, we will have GameDay Fridays where the community will come together to cheer each other on during normally scheduled class times. These workouts will be part of the weekly programming, so since everyone will be doing them anyway, you may as well sign up and make them count! Follow this link to sign up and be apart of CrossFit Progression Team!
- The Super Friends Throwdown is on February 23rd starting at 9 am. Teams of 4 battling it out through 4-5 plus events guarantees that this is going to be fun and crazy Throwdown. You can see the workouts here.

A. Push Jerk – 4 x 6
B. 7 Rounds AFAP
7 x Push Presses
7 x Jumping Pull-ups
7 x Burpees
A. Split Jerk – 5 x 3 (From Rack) w/2 Min Rest
B. 7 Rounds AFAP
7 x Push Jerks @ 135lb/95lb
7 x CTB Pull-ups
7 x Burpees
A. 5 Rounds AFAP
5 x Push Jerks @ 185lb/125lb (From Ground)
50 x Double-unders
B. 7 Rounds AFAP
7 x Push Jerks @ 155lb/105lb
7 x CTB Pull-ups
7 x Burpees
Optional Accessory
A. 3 Sets
ME – L-Sit
ME – Banded Pull-aparts
ME – Tricep Push-downs
10-15 x Reverse Hyper
-Post results under comments
Right shoulder has been sore since yesterday’s bar muscle up (totally worth it) so altered the WOD
7 rounds:
7 squats 135lbs
14 walking lunges (7 with each leg(
7 tuck jumps w/20lbs med ball
14:45 75 lb push jerks, C2B with a green band Love push jerks!
What a day…
A.95…need to get jerk back on track
B. Not sure on time ~12min, did a array of different movements!!!
A. 45-65-65-85×2-85F
B, 12:11 at 55#/blue band
5×3 push jerk @115
Rowed 10 mins (Matt said no wod since super friends tomorrow)
Played w/ some snatch lifts for tomorrow.
A1. 3×8 strict press with dumbells 25-20-20
A2. Hollow rocks
B. 21-15-9
Dumbells thrusters @ 30#