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Fitness – Performance
A. Take 20 Minutes to Establish a 1 Rep max Clean & Jerk
B. 11.3 Open WOD
Squat Clean + Jerk @ 165lb/110lb
A. Establish the heaviest UB Set of STO x 10
B. 11.3 Open WOD
-Post results under comments
A.135(5#pr) got so excited with my 1st attempt but in all my excitement, I didn’t completely finish the lift says Coach Grenell to me. I had to redo & I made sure to finish it:)
B. 23rx -always harder than it looks on the board.
A. 160# (10# PR)
B. 19 @ 95# (should have gone heavier)
Super tired today. Got within 5# of my PR; 105#. Was happy with that with how I felt. WOD used 65#, 17 reps.
Performance @fire station:
A: 195 (+10Pr)
B: didn’t get to it
Kind of tired, it’s been a busy day at work. Got a run before I got to the wod. Attempted 200 three times, bailed twice, got under it the other time but got stuck in the bottom.
A. 200# 15# PR thanks for the tips Jerome
B. 115# 18 times
A. 225 – 20# PR or something. Missed the clean on my 230# attempt, which is below my clean PR. Little angry, but ran outta time.
B. 15 @ 135.
A. 165lbs (10lb PR)….have to work on my squat (not pretty)!
B. 16@115lbs.
Short and sweet….have to continue to work on my form!
A. 100# — 30lb PR (couldn’t believe it so I counted the weights twice!)
B. 55# X 21 (really working on deep squat, got down every time.
Also practiced DUs – doing better, got about 15-20 in a row several times!
A. 165 Clean, got stuck in the hole on my old PR of 175. Mad I couldn’t hit my PR, but just not feelin’ it today.
B. 31 Rx – this WOD felt good!!!
50 weighted med ball GHD’s @ 14#
C and j – had a few adjustments to be made with new grip and shoes but i got used to it after a bit. Went up to 160 and hit that pretty comfortably. Ran out of time to try any more. My pr is 165 but it is a power clean usually. So this would be the first time i did a full squat so that felt pretty good.
11.3 21 reps.
A. 115#(PR) I cleaned 120# but couldn’t get the jerk
B. 17 @ 75#
A. 145.. Match.. Lil ugly.
B. 18rx
A. 110#
B. 17 @65# I didn’t feel incredibly strong today, but I feel happy that I did some heavy Oly lifting without pain!
A. 195 – no PR today but Jerome gave me a few things to think about for improvement
B. 26 reps @ 115#