WOD. 6 + 3
Felt like a dinosaur this morning, but great after the workout.
Jim Sorum
A. rebuilding snatch form after recommendations from Matt
B. 6 my abs are very sore from Annie
Hang Snatch: 105lbs
WOD: 7
A. 100
B. 5
A. 70#
B. 5 + 5 t2b @ 44# KB
Katina Austin
Hang snatch 75#
WOD 7 rounds
That was a great WOD, went heavy on the swings and it felt great.
Mike Soper
Hang Snatch 115# bad form, Coach Jeremy had me back off to 95# and work on my form.
WOD 6 + 17, scaled toes to bar back to knee raises, picked the kettle bell with the blue band which was too light I should have gone heavier.
A. Worked up to 105#, ran out if time to go heavier.
B. 7+ 11 RX @ 1.5 pood
A. 50# (felt very weak today)
165…missed 175
WOD. 6 + 3
Felt like a dinosaur this morning, but great after the workout.
A. rebuilding snatch form after recommendations from Matt
B. 6 my abs are very sore from Annie
Hang Snatch: 105lbs
WOD: 7
A. 100
B. 5
A. 70#
B. 5 + 5 t2b @ 44# KB
Hang snatch 75#
WOD 7 rounds
That was a great WOD, went heavy on the swings and it felt great.
Hang Snatch 115# bad form, Coach Jeremy had me back off to 95# and work on my form.
WOD 6 + 17, scaled toes to bar back to knee raises, picked the kettle bell with the blue band which was too light I should have gone heavier.
A. Worked up to 105#, ran out if time to go heavier.
B. 7+ 11 RX @ 1.5 pood
A. 95#
B. 5 rounds