Movement efficiency, strength, and work capacity are all huge components to produce well rounded CrossFit athletes. The daily CFP programming covers a huge component of movement efficiency and work capacity. But general strength is something that still needs to be addressed for many of our athlete that plan on competing competitively in CF competitions.
Starting immediately after the CF Open, I will be programming an optional Strength program that can be followed by anyone interested improving their general strength. The programming will be separate from the CFP daily programming and should be done during OPEN hours only or at the discretion of the CFP coach of the hour. This will be a 5 day a week program and can be followed outside of the CFP facility.
Any questions or concerns can be directed to me
-Matt, CFP Head Coach
A. 8 Min AMRAP (Technique vs Intensity)
3 x Muscle Snatch (Pos 1,2,3) – 1 snatch from each position
3 x Snatch Balance
3 x OHS
3 x Snatch (Pos 3)
@ 45lb/35lb
B. 3 Rounds AFAP
5 x OHS
10 x Push-ups
15 x Pull-up variations
A. 5 x 1 – 3 – Position Snatch (Pos 1,2,3)
B. 3 Rounds AFAP
15 x OHS @ 95lb/65lb
15 x HR Push-ups
15 x Pull-ups
(10 Min Cap)
A. Every 30 Seconds for 5 Mins
2 x TNG Squat Snatches @ 155lb/105lb
B. 3 Rounds AFAP
20 x OHS @ 115lb/85lb
20 x HR Push-ups
20 x Pull-ups
Optional Accessory
A1. Strict T2B – 3 x 10
A2. Reverse Hyper – 3 x 10 (Med-Heavy)
A3. Ring L-Sit – 3 x ME
A4. TGU – 3 x 3/3 (Heavy)
-Post results under comments
A. felt out of rhythm so just worked on trying to get back in the groove
B. 10:13 Rx’d OHS killed me
open gym…mostly because I was bored. rested my legs from 13.3 on sunday and worked on butterfly pull-ups for a little bit…and ps i totally suck. very hard for me to loosen up in my shoulders. Toes to bar strict 8 sets of 5. 5 sets I did and brought my toes up to the higher of the two bars for lil extra ab/core work. strict handstand pushup progressions with box with one foot in air for extra weight. back walkovers and front walkovers and bridges and splits and wall splits for flexibility. Legs feel much better after all of that. Feeling very limber now 🙂 then I had pizza from sbarro…my recovery is complete! …feeling very excellent now.
15 OHS @ 55lbs
Kipping Pull Ups with skinny green bands
3 x ME Strict Dips
Kipping Pull Up practice…Well kinda.. My arms were pretty sore from the WOD, but almost hit one 🙂
Finished all 3 Rds in 9:30
Snatch position practice – went light to work on technique (and to save on my knee) 35#, 35# 45#, 45#, 55#
WOD – 9:30 (did 10 toes to rings instead of OHS – again saving on my knee. Pull-ups were a struggle today for some reason)
Kinda tired – probably from those 150 wall balls still.
Practiced DUs again, still not going quite right. Will continue to practice
Snatch practice up to 65#… sore back from a tweak on deadlifts this weekend.
WOD 7:18? using 55# (lighter because I was babying my back)…. but I really like OHS :); strict HR pushups and blue/red band pullups. I should go blue next WOD?
50 situps.
Liked this workout.
Self Grid mobility work yesterday for the back. Thankful it doesnt appear to be anything major.
I miss mobility//Alex and Shanna for sore back and quads from Open.
Snatch position practice….worked on form. 5 sets at 65#, 2 at 75# and 1 at 85#
WOD – Still can’t do OHS but it was better as I’m working on flexibility.
Made 2 sets plus 39 in the 10 min. Would have finished but lost my pull up spot and wasted time finding a new one and getting my band re-set.
Green bands. Pull ups coming along. Was able to keep the keep going without losing rhythm on the first couple sets.
A. 65#
B. 8:33
This was a one rep at a time kind of day for me. I’m just happy I made it through.
Sore quads from open, rowing, cycling intervals, and endurance lifting. Still hurts to sit.
Row 1500 WU
A. Did 35#, 55# x4
B. Did fitness for recovery day
35#, green band
100 hollow rocks
time was 5:48 for WOD
A. @95# (legs still fatigued and didn’t want to catch me in the squat!) didn’t hit all sets either.
B. 1 round + 40 (wrist killer)
**Had a BAD case of the Mondays today!!
A. 75# kept it light for technique
B. hit the cap @ 2+32. efff OHSs (aka lets do more so I getgood…)
Dips & ring push ups 3xME
7(strict)-8(kip)-8(red band)
8-9-8 (increasing angle)
A. 95, 135, 135, 135
B. 95# ohs, green band for pull ups. 9:28
A. 55, 55, 65, 65, 65 focused on positions
B. 8:00 65# OHS
100 hollow rocks
1 set of 10 T2B
6 x 5 dips (aiming for 3 x 10)
6 x 5 ring push-ups (aiming for 3 x 10)
200 double unders – not unbroken
Really need to work on connecting pull-ups
A.) @95….Good Form
B.) 7:43…Performance RX
C.) Beth Coons made everyone do a whole bunch of sit ups @ 5:30am…….
A. 45-75-75-75-95-95 – really good for focusing on positioning, especially starting from pos #1
B. DNF (2 reps short) – tried Rx weight, was very surprised at how difficult it was relative to the weight I can lift on snatches – obviously need to work on better squats. Good workout.
Fitness….finished in 6:51….I think I’m getting better at snatches!! 🙂