Monday 03262012


-Survival of the Fittest Rochester will be happening this Saturday from 9 am – 5-6 pm, there will be no classes that day.  Please join in to either compete as an Rx’d or scaled individual or volunteer for this great event!  Click here for more info! 

RKC (Russian Kettlebell) instructor Cory Felderman will be running all Monday evening group sessions through a fun warm-up and kettlebell skill session.  Take advantage of this opportunity to learn the finer points of TGU and Russian swings.  

A.  TGU Ladder NFT: 

5-4-3-2-1 (R/L) 

10 x Swings between each set of TGU  

B.  21-15-9 AFAP: 

GI Janes 

Goblet Squats 2 pood/1.5 pood 

5 min rest… 

5 min AMRAP 

Double unders 

On the minute every minute 5 x burpees  

C.  Banded good mornings x 100  

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18 Responses
  1. Cally Vinz

    I appreciate the kettle bell work — it’s helping me with my technique.
    The workout was definitely harder than I expected — I think I was just a little tired today so that probably was the it. 9:49 .75 pood

    Steve did it in 10:24 1.5 pood – TGU instruction was very helpful. Good workout. Back feeling better once warmed up, didn’t bother my back.

  2. jen

    10 lb TGU – working on technique with some mobile shoulders – good stuff Cory!
    WOD: 7:26 with 18# goblet squat and jumping pullup – goal was to keep moving and I did – no rest
    100 red banded good mornings
    Good stuff!

  3. Megan

    15lb TGU, which may have been too much because I didn’t get through the whole ladder, but it was fun! Oh the burning.
    WOD: 7:50 – I was surprised how fatigued I already felt when I got to the first set of squats. Jumping pullups and 15lb kettle bell
    100 banded good mornings – these I don’t understand (sorry Jeremy for giving you a hard time!) I understand the purpose of them, but I only feel them pulling on my neck/traps.

  4. believe0204

    10:11? Time on board, wish for more room around the bars to go from chin-ups to bur-pees. All in all great workout!

  5. Laura S

    7:45 – scaled – Loved the workout. The kettle bell work was good – some really good tips. I was feeling exhausted but that has nothing to do with the workouts 🙂

  6. Cory

    Great workout last night. Really impressed with all of the CFP athletes ability to pick up a fairly complex movement with minimal coaching. Keep up the good work!