The WLC challenge finale will be held this Friday starting at 6 pm through 8 pm. The 5:30 pm and 6:30 pm classes will be canceled for the day. Make up for the WLC workout can be done this Thursday the 11th at 6:30 pm.

A. 10 Minutes to work up to a heavy Snatch Balance
200M Run
and then….
5 Rounds
10 x Hang Power Snatch (Pos 1)
15 x Wallballs
and then….
200M Run
C. 3 x 20 Hollow Rocks
A. 5 x 3 – Snatch Balance + OHS + Snatch Push Press w/2 Min Rest (Heavy as possible)
(From the Rack)
200M Run
and then….
5 Rounds
10 x Hang Power Snatch @ 95lb/65lb
15 x Wallballs @ 20lb/10lb
and then….
200M Run
C. 100 x Hollow Rocks
A. EMOM – 10 Minutes
2 x TNG Power Snatch + 3 x Push Presses (Heavy as possible)
400M Run
and then….
5 Rounds
12 x Hang Power Snatches @ 115lb/75lb
17 x Wallballs @ 25lb/16lb
Optional Accessory
A1. GH-Raises – 3 x 20 (no weight)
A2. GHD-Sit-ups – 3 x 15
A3. Banded pull-aparts – 3 x 30
-Post results under comments
A. 35#, 45#, 55#, 60# (2)
B. 55# hang snatch, 10# WB, row 15:05
C. Done
18:03 performance scale up (400m runs)
Snatch complex: 35,55,75,85,95
200m run
5rnd: hps @65#, wb@14#
400m run
Then hollow rocks (ouch!!)
Sweet workout, tough
14:05 (P)
A: @75
B: 12:25 Rx, with Bob
C: dun
Snatch balances/ohs/pp @35
Wod: 10:48. 200m runs, 35#10#- light with elbow issues- feeling ok tonight!
Snatch balance business etc @ 35#. Everything above my elbows hurt tonight.
Performance Wod w/ John 16:05. 40# snatch & 10# WB
WOD 14:35
400 m Run
65lb snatches (10)
14lb wall balls (15)
400 m Run
CFP Strength at 11am
A) 7/185#, 1/190#
Dissapointed- didn’t push very hard bcuz I felt like I was going to puke. (Good thing is I learned not to eat right before a wod…)
Performance 15:42
Worked on pull-ups then ended the day with a nice box jump face plant:|
Snatch Complex – 55# Flexibility on snatch squat and OHS squat is slowly getting better. Should be able to start working more weight very soon.
Wod – 200M, 65#, 16# medball
Fun workout! Good to get outside and run again!
A. 45-45-65-65-65
B. 13:34 @ 65#; 10#
Took my time (realitivly) on the snatches to focus on solid form and they felt pretty good.
A. 2/85#, 8/95# (felt good after shoulders got warmed up. Wider snatch grip is getting more comfortable. Probably could of gone a bit heavier).
B. 14:59
Couldn’t work out hard with my shoulder/neck but did some low weight OHS….
400m runs
10 ring rows
15 wall balls…x5
A. All done at 65#. it was way too light for the snatch but good because i focused on technique. Nate gave me some good pointers. The press part is awkward for me in the snatch position, so i will need to work up to a heavier weight.
B. 18:12. Sport but with 14 lb ball, no 16 lb balls left. Good workout. Obviously i need more met con work.
A. 45-75-75-75, OHS still hard on the wrists
B. 13:30 @ 85# (3 rounds), had to drop to 65# or I’d still be there doing them (2 rounds) and @20# wallballs
After the 150 wallball day for the open, 50 didn’t seem quite so bad
A: snatch complex @ 55#
B: Performance WOD, 14:35 @ 55# , 14# wallball and 400 M runs
C: 3 X 20 hollow rocks.
A. 35# up to 55#
B. 13:34 RX performance
C. 3×20 hollow rocks
D. 25 minute run