-Memorial Day Murph is happening next week on the 27th. There will only be 1 class at 10am followed by a cookout for all CFP members and family. Donations for the Wounded Warrior Project will be accepted to help our wounded service men and women, to learn more about the WWP follow this link.

A. OHS – Work to a heavy but comfortable OHS from the Rack
10 Swings
20 Wallballs
20 Swings
20 Wallballs
30 Swings
20 Wallballs
A. Snatch – 5 x 1 @ 85%
5 x Power Cleans @ 135lb/95lb
30 x Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb
10 x Power Cleans
30 x Wallballs
20 x Power Cleans
30 x Wallballs
A. 10 x Sets w/Partner You go I go
5 x Axle Push Presses @ 165lb/100lb
15 x Power Cleans @ 185lb/115lb
30 x Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb
12 x Power Cleans @ 205lb/135lb
30 x Wallballs
9 x Power Cleans @ 225lb/145lb
30 x Wallballs
-Post results under comments
B. 7:48 Performance Rx
wall balls @ 14lbs
A. 75,85,95,105,115
B. 10:41 (P) Rx’d
A) Played around with the axle
B) 11:01
A.) was hit and miss…I would get one, then miss one. Wasn’t very consistent today
B.) Performance 7:41 rx
C.) Tried lots of fish oil!
A.) 4 snatches at 115#. Last one at 125#.
B.) Performance with a slight modification of 25# wallballs, which increased the suck factor. Finshed the WOD in 9:45.
A. 65-85-95-115-135(f)
B. 8:46
A: worked up to 110# (form felt a lil off).
B: 9:08 Rx.
A) 85 lbs.
B) performance RX 7:41. Clean form was not good- need to work on excellent form every rep. Regardless of weight.
Sorry 7:21
A. Snatch 5×1 @ 85% (115-115-115-115-115)
B. 10:37 Rx Sport
100 GHD’s
A. 95#
B. 8:40 performance Rx . Did situps instead of squats for my wallballs.
A. 55# – worked on quickness and form
B. 8:36 (65# & wall balls) should have gone heavier on the cleans – I consistently underestimate what I should do, fear of pain and failure I guess.
Stranded with out my car 🙁 sad i missed the wod. Back tomorrow!
Walked around the lake 2 reps
Did pull-ups at a playground 7 reps
Parallel bar swings 4 reps
Dairy Queen 1 rep
A. 75-95-115-135-145 (tied PR)
B. 9:45 @115#, 20# wallballs