A. Snatch 6×2 @ 75%
B. With Partner (20 min cap)
60 Power Snatch (75/45)
Partner will hold HS while Partner is snatching.
50 GI jane
Partner hangs from PU bar while Partner works.
<—–> 2x partner wheel barrow. 10 meters.
A. Establish Heaviest 3 rep snatch.
B. With Partner (20 min cap)
60 Power Snatch (95/65)
Partner will hold HS while Partner is snatching.
50 GI jane
Partner hangs from PU bar while Partner works.
<—–> 1x HS walk each. 10 meters.
A. 75, 80×5
B. With Nicole (40#PS) took us just over 20 minutes because I am super slow at wheelbarrowing.
A. 55# – felt really good today, which is rare
B. 13:00 w/Megan
A. 110 technique is feeling much better
B. 12:27 w/the big boss man Josh Grenell
A: 70# – Felt appropriate for prescribed 75%
B: 14:46 with Dan.
John & I did a wod at home tonight (his was slightly modified to accommodate his healing shoulder)
Mine was:
5 rounds of 5 strict pull-ups (I used a blue band); 10 (each side) dumb bell rows; 15 goblet squats, 20 situps.
WOrked out on my own time…
Squats x5 145 155 175 185 195 I think
Fs x5 not sure on weight did with Nicole
Emom 10 minutes 5 snatches 65 65 and the rest 85
Strict pull-up and sit-ups at end