A.) 5×10 heavy Russian KB swings
B.) 8 Min AMRAP
2 KB clean + push press (Switch hands, 2 total)
8 burpees
4 KB clean + push press (Switch hands, 4 total)
8 burpees
And so on…
A.) Clean and Jerk 6×1 @ 90% or less
B.) 8 Min AMRAP
2 P Clean + Push Jerk (115/75)
8 Bar Over Burpees
4 PC + PJ
8 Bar Over Burpees
6 PC + PJ
8 Bar Over Burpees
And so on…
A.) Clean and Jerk – 4×1 @ 90% or less
Clean pulls – work up to a 2×1 @ 1rm clean
B.) 8 Min AMRAP
2 P Clean + Push Jerk (185/125)
8 Bar Over Burpees
4 PC + PJ
8 Bar Over Burpees
6 PC + PJ
8 Bar Over Burpees
10 min butterfly pull-up practice
If you start to get the hang of it, try
EMOM 5 min – 5 pull-ups
10-15 min pistol work
Practice some regular, weighted, and
scaled if needed then…
Accumulate 50 reps Rx or scale as needed
go hard, but not “WOD” speed
A. 115, 115, 120, 120, 125, 125 – felt solid
B. 8+8 (completed 8 pc 8 burpee + 8 pc)
Ongoing battle with being more efficient in the PC+PJ…
A. 85, 90, 95, 95, 100, 100
B. Rx, completed 10 PC + PJ – wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be
A. 125-135-135-135-135-135 Hit my thighs more often then not. Progress.
B. Completed 9 PC/J of the round of 10 at 105. Muscled up most of them… when not concentrating.. go back to poor form. Probably should have gone slower/lighter.
SO GREAT to be back at CFP WITH my guy John Colbert!
A. all @ 55
B. all @45 … completed 10 PC/PJ, but didn’t get the bar over burpees done before the clock ran out, so 5 sets of PC/PJ (2-4-6-8-10), but only 4 sets of burpees (8-8-8-8)
Good workout, great coaching Nic!
Sport Rx warmed up for c and j but didn’t get a chance to go heavy…
WOD -thru 8 rounds. Took my time. Trying to work on my form and keeping my core tight. I had to go get my baby so I couldn’t do the other parts of the workout at the gym. 50 pistols at home. Will do pullups tomorrow.
A: 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 1.5 pood Russian swings
B: Completed 12 sets of KB pc, push press, blue KB right arm, 10 lb db left arm.
Shoulder felt good tonight.
A. 175-180-180-180
B. Got thru 10 PC/PJ + 7 BOB @ 125.
C. Grocery shopping for time!!! 🙂
A. 115-165-165-165-175-165. Feeling tired today and smacked my chin on one of the jerks, so avoided going any higher in weight.
B. 10+2, Rx