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A. EMOM – 10 Mins
Even – 10 x Russian Swings
Odd – 10 x Push-ups
B. 10 Min AMRAP
10 x Wallball Push Presses
20 x Sit-ups
30 x Single-unders
A. EMOM – 10 Mins
2 x Snatches @ Pos 3
B. 10 Min AMRAP
10 x HR Push-ups
20 x T2B
30 x Double-unders
A. EMOM – 10 Mins
Even – 3 x Power Snatches @ 185lb/115lb
Odd – 5/3 x Muscle-ups
B. 10 Min AMRAP
10 x HR Push-ups
20 x T2B
30 x Double-unders
Games Track 2014
A. Pause Back Squats – 5 x 3 w/3 Min Rest
B. 12 Min AMRAP
25 Yard – Sled Pushes High Handle @ 250/170
10 x Burpees
C. GHD-Sit-up Tabata Static Holds – 4 Sets
-Maintain a plank position parallel from the floor for 20 seconds on 10 seconds off
-Post results under comments
65# snatches. Almost dropped weight but then just really focused on technique and was able to complete with no misses.
WOD: 5 rds, kte, singles.
Thanks for continuing to do bar work with WOD’s . With my work schedule and kids schedule, it has been hard to make it to OLY.
85# snatch-focused a lot on form!
4+15- toes to bar are coming along just need to work on stringging them together! DUBS are a struggle so I just did 60 singles.
A. 85, 85, 85, 90, 90, 90, 90, 95, 95, 95 Snatch- Still working with that wider grip and getting used to it…
B. 3 + 8- Terrible morning for me…. Felt like my grip was weak to hang on for T2B…. DUs weren’t stringing together and even my push ups felt weak… Happy Monday!!!
Might have to do an afternoon KB workout just to feel better about myself.. LOL
1.) 115,115, 125 x 8.
2.) 3+6, wasn’t expecting this WOD to be that hard. Did knees to elbows for most of the WOD, and felt smoked after.
A. Done. I had one set of 2 on snatches (instead of 3) for some reason..I must have run out of time that. Muscle ups were pretty good. I was surprised. Had 3/2/2/2/3. All were singles. I think I need to work on my hand placements for transitioning into the next one.
B. 3+26 Could not get T2B strung together for the life of me. Had 10 during the first round, then the rest ended up being sets of 2 strict. Double unders are getting better slowly.
GT14 A. Done at 185. Wish I could have gone a bit heavier, but focused on the pause and pushing my knees out.
B. 5 +1/3 sled push @170. It was super hot out! This was pretty rough.
C. Didn’t get to these today :/
55# snatches
WOD- hr push ups on my knees, sit ups, double unders.
Debated about jumping rope- probably shouldn’t have- my foot already hurts 🙁
A. 95, started at 115 but was feeling dizzy/ lightheaded so decided to drop weight.
B. 4+ 60 hr push-ups, sit-ups and 90 single unders.
A. 65# x3. 75# x7. Form form form. Hip is finally feeling better so really tried to get at or below 90
B. 3+40. Knees to above waist. Ha. Determined not to use chalk. No tears just a sweaty grip. Singles
A. 95 – worked on form, getting under the bar (and still very tired by the end)
B. 5+50 w/ HR push-ups, sit-ups, and 90x singles
A. @95 lbs (I need a lot of work on snatches)
B. 3 + 26
Sport a. Done but reduced the weight part way thru. Muscle ups felt pretty easy.
Wod i think it was 4 rounds but i am not for sure on the counting.
Felt pretty horrible during the wod. Slept all day and didnt eat enough so i was feeling kinda icky.
Sled push with 180 i think- this was tough but good
Tabata ghds done. I liked these.
A. 40# snatches, worked on depth
B. 4 rounds even. All DUs (finally getting more than 1s and 2s fairly often!)
Just didn’t have it much today —
A. 95lbs…..sore hip, trying to work on form.
B. 3 rounds Rx. First time doing all DU’s!
I was looking forward to this workout….
A. 6@55#, 4@65# in Power Position, want to start working on getting better with the Squat Snatch
B. 3 rounds + 10 HR PU, 20 Situps, + 60 Singles
I want to start working on getting DUs
A. 45# worked on depth, and staying on heels.
B. 3 rounds – 10 HR push-ups, 20 situps, 90 singles + 7 singles.
A: 95×2,115×3,120×2,125×3. Missed a couple times, getting used to wider grip. Actually hitting pocket now with wider grip though. Need to work on keeping chest up throughout lift. Thanks for the tips Nic, helpful as always.
B: 4 rounds. T2b needs work, fatigue quickly with those.
A. Done (MU: 3-1-1-1-1) worked on MU form and getting the sit-up action with the pull. Still a work in progress.
B. 4+20 Rx
Tabata GHD holds
Sled pushes/burpees with Susan and Cyndi @ 180#.
A. 75#
B. 4 + 30, started with K2E, switched to sit ups on rd 3.
A. 90# — Worked out some of the kinks in my snatch. Definitely helped keeping my eyes looking ahead, especially when I was getting under the bar.
B. 4 + 5 — Scaled with knee pushups and sit-ups. Pushed myself at the end to get to four rounds. Brought my own jump rope and that helped.
A. Done
B. 3+36 (did air squats instead of jump roping)
A. 2 pood kb swings and pushups
B. 7+13 with 16# ball
A. 1 pd. Switched to goblet squats since KB swings were aggravating my lower back. Pushups are still a definite weak spot for me, although I was able to perform all of them strict. Whoohoo!
B. 5+20 with 14# ball.
A: 65# – felt like my form was bad. Struggled even to up it to 75#
B. Fitness 5x + 45 (stupid jumprope)
Completed 3 rounds of fitness with a 14lb ball.
Situps were the hardest and slowest thing for me.