A.) EMOM – 8 min.
3 reps each arm
Single arm swings (Russian)
B.) 4 Rounds
8 DB/KB Snatch each arm
16 Sit-ups
50 single unders or 1 lap run
Snatch Balance – 6×2
B.) 4 Rounds
8 Squat Snatch (85/55)
16 Sit-ups
24 Double unders
A.) Snatch warm up – 8 min.
Snatch Balance + 2 OHS
6×1 – Try to add weight each set
B.) 4 Rounds
8 Squat Snatch (115/75)
16 T2B
24 Double unders
C.) 15 min HS walk practice
Keep working at it guys!
D.) 5×5 strict weighted pull-ups
–Results to comments!
A. 45, 50, 55, 55, 55, 55
B. 9:07 – 55#, sit ups & 48 SU’s
A. 90.95,100.105,110,115
B. 11:22 performance w/T2Bs
A. Kept it light due to shoulder issues.
B. 9:49 Rx harder than I thought it was going to be. I should know by now to not think any WOD is going to be easy.
A. 55- seemed ok but not dropping under bar enough
B. 55 wow! This was brutal. Snatches turned into power snatches despite my best effort to squat.
Nic does a great job of demo of impeccable form! And provides helpful feedback and tips. I appreciate it.
I second what Megan says! Great class as always 🙂
A. done with white kettlebell ( feels so light, but right arm continues to spasm at higher weights)
B. 7:18 DB snatch with 17.5lb DB
And I third what Megan said. Nic is awesome!!! 🙂
A. Snatch balance with 2 OHS–worked up to 105.. had trouble bringing bar down to shoulders smoothly… youch.
B. Some big goats here. 12 minutes + :(… 8 Squat snatch at 75# (hit the hips on many), T2B (1st round and 1/2 2nd round, then sit ups), DBs with a stutter step in between. Thankful for the encouragement and coaching from Chida on my dubs 🙂
A. Competitor… 85, 95, 100, 105 x 3
B. 9:49ish…….
@ 75lbs- I feel like we haven’t done squat snatches in a workout in a loooong time, so these definitely slowed me down…..
1st Round T2B- then was getting frustrated, so switch to sit ups for rds 2-4
24 DUs- these felt great!!!
Joined the DAHLC for the pool & massages 🙂
Did a light bike workout for 20 minutes then some swimming!
A. 95-95-95-95-95-95 – that was actually heavier than I thought, this is a good exercise.
B. 8:30, @85# snatches, “as many DU as I can do” with 2x SU for the rest