A) Back Squats
4×3 @75%
1 legged hip bridge (50 L/R)
B.) 4 rounds
10 DB Snatch (Light)
10 Cal Ski or 4 Cal Bike
10 Wallballs
10 Cal Row
A1) snatch – 4×1 @75%
A2) Back Squats
4×3 @75%
1 legged hip bridge (50 L/R)
B.) 4 rounds
10 DB Snatch (Light)
10 Cal Ski or 4 Cal Bike
10 Wallballs
10 Cal Row
~Results to Comments.
A. 140,150,160,170
B. 11:29 20lbs DB snatches, 2 rounds on ski erg and 2 rounds on bike
A. Done at 100. Excited that the bar is staying in a higher position. Yeah! Nicki and Nicole!!
B. 14:57- 20# Dumbbells, 10# wall balls, rowing and assault bike
I mean 11:57. Wine. Sorry