NEW!!! REEBOK 4.0 and more PRESALE!


Available now only through PRE-ORDER!!!

You may be wondering why you should pre-order instead of waiting for Reebok’s full release later this summer. First there is a better chance of you getting the shoe you want now via pre-order instead of waiting for the release to the masses. Second CFP gets you a $10 discount.

*The order will be placed March 26th (ONE WEEK FROM NOW!!!)

– Your account will be charged when the shoes come in.

– TAKE NOTE – depending on what color of shoe you order you can expect delivery either middle of July, or early October. This is also the same answer we will give you if ask us when your shoes will be in. JULY or OCTOBER.

Nano 4.0 – *Release Dates – 7/11 and 10/1

Lifter 2.0’s – *Release Dates – 7/11 and 10/1

Sticker Print Pack – *Release Dates – 10/1

Veterans Day Pack – *Release Dates – 10/1

Click on link below and copy our friend Joe to order your shoes. You will need your shoe number and size. Thanks!

* Release date is also expected arrival date of shoe orders. Yes we are telling you that in order to get certain colors in October they must be ordered now. These shoes will sell fast once released to the public, order now or forever hold your peace. Please message Nic or Juli with questions via Facebook or E-mail. We will not answer retail questions while we are coaching classes!