Profiled members: Ryan and Sue Ness

“It has allowed us to make a lot of positive lifestyle changes, improving our diet, going through this together has brought us closer together too.’ I like the variety of work outs and things we do. -Ryan and Sue Ness, CFP members. 

Watch Ryan and Sue’s Video.




6 Responses
  1. Sara G

    A. 55#, 65#, 75#, 85# (can’t remember how many at each weight)
    B. 500m runs with Miriam – 13:58
    C. Blue kettle bell

  2. Susan Kian

    Emom muscle ups and pistols done.

    Sport Wod about 17 minutes with 2 minute rests. Kind of hard to time without the seconds on the clock. This kicked my a$$. You know that feeling when your drowning and close to losing consciousness? Yeah.

    I kept thinking…..100 more meters OR maybe i will just drop dead.