Saturday 04262014


All Levels 

A.  Deadlifts – 5 x 5 w/3 Min Rest 

B.  25 Min AMRAP 

10 x Pull-ups 

15 x Wallballs  

20 x T2B 

200M Run 

Scale accordingly 

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5 Responses
  1. Carrie

    Deadlifts. 175#. Felt good
    5+6 green and sometimes added a red band for the pull ups. 14# WB. Worked on the swing for the T2B. No chalk and no tears. First WOD with Coach Nic!! Great way to start the day!!

  2. Jim

    A. 275X5
    B. 5+10 I think, pullups held up until the last 10, WBs always suck, T2Bs went away surprisingly fast, run felt good

  3. Nicole Chovan

    A. 125-135-145-150-155f-155
    B. 105-125-145-155 (stopped cause it was bothering my shoulder)
    C. 5+2 Rx Thrusters were very slow and small sets, but I beat my goal by 1 round 🙂

    Awesome Competitors class today! Lots of PRs! 🙂 Nice job ladies and gents!

  4. Staci Vinz

    Shoulders sore and fatigued from yesterday, so didn’t make for a very good workout.
    A. 85-95-105-115-125-135(f)-disappointing, not even close to my 1 RM.
    B. Only did cleans: 125-135-145-155-165-175-185-200(f)
    C. 25 min:
    4 x MU
    11 x squat cleans @ 105
    14 x GHD’s

  5. Susan Kian

    Worked snatch tng technique, dumbell snatches, 1 arm barbell snatches at 55. Really focused on form so when I add the weight I will have it down.

    Clean and jerk at 85 with 10 deadlifts after every few minutes.

    Thrusters with just the bar.
    Ctb pullups for half the workout and leg raises for other half to work different muscles. Also I did MU progressions for half the workout. Also hand ripped a bit and didn’t want to tear it more so that worked out. Toes to bar…some felt good and lots felt off. I have to get used to the center of gravity change again.

    Did not count my rounds just kept moving.

    Felt super hungry during entire workout…need to eat more I guess.