Please take a moment and read this article this morning. And sign it if you agree.
I am not one to go live in the Facebook group and cry about things. However, the last year has been devastating to the gym industry. I have friends who own gyms that have been closed since March and do not have an open date.
Gyms have business models that are very close to restaurants. Margins are low, and most owners never get the cash flow to have a security net.
I want to make that clear. Progression and Regent will survive. The members who stayed with us through this time and the staff’s ability to adapt have saved the gyms. There is no arguing that fact.
We still are running around $20,000 a month behind previous years’ income. I hope I don’t need to tell you how devastating that is to a small business.
Fortunately, I have taken my role as a business owner seriously and have worked hard the last four years to educate myself, get help and advice and make the right decisions.
We have applied for every grant and loan we could. We did not get them all, again mainly due to the staff’s ability to adapt. It is not lost on me that we might have gotten more money from the government if we had given up. I don’t regret raging on, though. The staff knows that we keep getting up when we fall or are pushed.—#RageOn.
Here is the petition. This bill will be voted on.
Again thank you for your support during this Pandemic.