- The 2013 CrossFit Games season is upon us, it comprises of three tests of fitness comprised of, the Open, the Regionals, and the World Championships – The CrossFit Games. The CrossFit Games Open is a 5-week online competition from March 6th-April 7th where each athlete does a single workout per week that’s scored and submitted online. The workouts will be announced each Wednesday evening and each athlete has until Sunday evening to complete and submit their score. Not only can athletes see where they stack up against the region, but also against their friends and families across the world. At Crossfit Progression, we will have GameDay Fridays where the community will come together to cheer each other on during normally scheduled class times. These workouts will be part of the weekly programming, so since everyone will be doing them anyway, you may as well sign up and make them count! Follow this link to sign up and be apart of CrossFit Progression Team!
- The Super Friends Throwdown is on February 23rd starting at 9 am. Teams of 4 battling it out through 4-5 plus events guarantees that this is going to be fun and crazy Throwdown. You can see the workouts here.

Fitness and Performance
A. 20 Minutes to Practice – Kipping Pull-ups – Muscle-up progressions – Butterfly Pull-ups
B. 15 Min AMRAP
6 x T2B
12 x Dips/Ring Dips
24 x Walking Lunges
A. 20 Min Recovery Row
B. Mobility
-Post results under comments
endurance WOD: rowing 1:00 on, 1:00 off, 3:00 on. 2:00 off, 4:00 on, 3:00 off, 5:00 on 3253m
A. worked on butterflies, got better once I widened grip (thanks Mel), and bar muscle ups (got my first)
B. 7+6 ring dips, not sure about this may have been 8 rounds did first two Rx’d then with skinny blue band
A1. Bulgarian split squats 3×8 @ 40# dumbells
A2. Pull ups 3×8
B. 100 singles buy in
10 rounds:
10 air squats
10 sit ups
10 Burmese
100 singles buy out
oly beginners and oly class
Worked on technique tonight. Beginners class was awesome. More people need to go to this. Nic does a great job of reinforcing ideal position thru multiple drills that help immensely.
Pause FS 5#pr
First day back after being sick… Still kinda am…
Oly, testing lifts for sat ‘s team comp!
Worked on muscle-ups was not successful
WOD : 9+5 mostly with red band and knees to elbows
WOD 6+18
Sick the last two days so glad to be back.
Worked on pull-ups 5 sets to failure strict with assistance.
WOD – 6 + 13 (Hanging Knee raises ….almost to elbows sometimes! ) Used green band on ring dips.
Oly night! Worked position 1, which was great since I missed the Pendlay seminar.
A. 10 x 5 strict pull ups (green/red bands)
B. 7+20 K2E, dips (blue–>green band), walking lunges