The Hammer Race is an obstacle/terrain race in Southern MN. Part adventure race and part obstacle race, the Hammer Race is as much of a mental challenge as it is a physical one. On top of the mud, obstacles, and rugged terrain, participants in the Hammer Race must carry a minimum 8lb sledge hammer throughout the entire course. You must cross the finish line with a Hammer to be considered a finisher, and may even need it to do so. So make sure you get to know your Hammer companion, and do not neglect it. Talk to it. Sleep with it. Keep it well groomed. Work to strengthen the bond, for you will need it to stay close and have no reason to wander off. Follow this link to register as an individual or in a team of 5!

The Open at CFP
The CrossFit Season has finally started! Open workouts will be scheduled every Friday for all regular classes. Members participating in the Open are expected to do the following:
-Perform and log in all results before Sunday at 5pm
-Make sure you always have a judge when performing an Open workout
-You may perform the Open workouts on Thursday or Saturday. Make sure you give advance notification to any one of the CFP coaches.
-Make sure you watch and review all Open videos to review all movement standards!
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me. Have fun everyone!
Fitness – Performance
A. Rope Climbs – Accumulate 5 – 10 Rope Climbs any style
B1. Close Grip Bench Press – 3 x 8
B2. Bent Rows – 3 x 10 (R/L)
B3. GHD Sit-ups – 3 x 10
B4. Back Extensions – 3 x 10
C. 3 Rounds AFAP
20 x Russian Swings
50 x Double-unders
A. 5K Recovery Row
B. Mobility
-Post results under comments
C. 1 pd + 150 singles = 6:41
Snatch 3 position pause – 65-75-85
C&J 3 position pause – 85-95; tight upper back/shoulders on clean; wider split and pushing under instead of pushing up on jerk.
FS – 1/4 95-105-110-115; shoulders back/vertical torso
B1. 95-95-105
B2. 25-20-35
C. Double Unders & whatever the one that doesn’t have tape is…44# I think?
A. Tried rope climbs for the first time. Failed. Bad idea to not have longer socks on!
B. 3×8 Narrow grip bench @ 115#
B. 3×8 Bent over row with blue KB.
WOD: yellow KB. 35 unbroken du’s in first set…personal best. 5:36