Thursday 06282012


New warm-up before any squat session….


A.  5 Sets Unbroken 

30 x UB Double-unders 

20 x UB American Kettlebell Swings @ 2 pood/1.5 pood 

10 x UB Push Presses @ 135lb/95lb 

Rest 5 Mins and then… 

B.  5 x ME 300M Row 

-Work/Rest Ratio 1:2

-Post results under comments  

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10 Responses
  1. jeff

    loved the workout 1825 i think
    103,101,101,101, and 59, would have gotten 56 if i could have kept my ass on the seat, dam it:(

  2. jen

    Kettlebell class. Cleans, Presses,green bell, Pull-up. – 3 rounds 1-2-3 ladder, right and left

    Conditioning. Snatch 15 on 15 off for 10 minutes- green bell

  3. Staci

    WOD: not unbroken .
    10 T2B
    20 Am KB @1.5
    10 PP @ 95#
    20:12 ( I think)
    1:06, 1:05, 1:10, 1:09, 1:03
    This work out was a doozy!!!!