Fitness – Performance
A1. Dips – 3 x 8
A2. Kettlebell Rows – 3 x 10 (Each Arm)
B. 5 Rounds for Max Reps
30 seconds x Max Calorie Row
30 second Rest
30 seconds x Max Russian Swings
30 second Rest
30 seconds x Max Burpees
30 second x Rest
A. 3 x 10o0M Row @ Z1 Rest as needed between rounds
B. Recovery and Midline work
-Post results under comments
A. Dips with red band
renegade rows with KBS
B. 214
Rows: 9, 10, 10, 9, 10
Swings (1.5 pood) 23, 22, 21, 21, 20
Burpees 13, 12, 11, 11, 12
great WOD. nice active recovery/rest day
A : done 🙂 strict dips on bars.
WOD : 215
I LIKED the WOD today! Really, I did! Felt WAY better than I did on Tuesday.
Not bad for this ole gal! : )
A. Dips with the green band tightened. 1 pood KBR
B. 158
Good times!
Man! I cut myself short on the board tonight! I guess I can’t add! Thought I got a 173 but really got a 182! Not amazing, but still better than I thought!
A: bar dips and 1 pood kb
B: 215, 1.5 pood kb