Thursday 08162012

Mike Strom

A1.  Close Grip Bench Press – 3 x 8 w/60 Sec Rest 

A2.  Barbell Row (Clean Grip) – 3 x 8 w/60 Sec Rest 



Russian Swings 


Mountain Climbers (R/L = 1 rep)  

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7 Responses
  1. Staci

    16:08Rx w/1.5pood
    *This one got me. Lung collapser, couldn’t catch my breath. Too long of rests today.* 🙁

  2. rach h

    3 x 8 inverted press with kb
    3 x 8 kb row
    Wod: 50, 40, 30, 20, 10
    1k arm kb swings
    air squat

  3. DK

    CFP barbell club! It’s only my 2nd day with the CS programming but I like it. I think the variety is good. I am really sore from Tues. and Wed. but managed some good lifts.