3 Sets
5 x Deadlifts
15 Sec Rest
8 x 1 Sec Pause Push-ups
15 Sec Rest
10 x Hollow Rocks
15 Sec Rest
B. w/a Partner
3 Round
1200M Row
w/3 min Rest
Partition rowing anyway
A. EMOM – 8 Mins
3 x Power Cleans
B. w/a Partner
3 Round
1200M Row
w/3 min Rest
Partition rowing anyway
A. EMOM – 8 Mins
3 x Power Cleans
B. 5 rounds
<-> 20M Shuttle Run x 5
1 Min Plank
w/1 min Rest
-Post results under comments
A. 65, 65, 65, 65, 75, 75, 75, 75 – feeling good to add weight!
B. w/Renee 20:20
A. 95#-was very difficult, but felt good to go heavy!
B. with Margo 21:43
Active recovery day. Walked around the lake two times. Mobility. Will be rest day tomorrow due to no rest on the weekend.