A. 10-15 Minutes of HSPU practice
B1. Shoulder Press (Jerk Stance) – 3 x 5 w/30 Sec Rest
B2. Pull-ups (Supinated Grip) – 3 x ME w/30 Sec Rest
B3. Bulgarian Split Squats – 3 x 5/5 w/30 Sec Rest
B4. Weighted Strict GHR – 3 x 10 w/30 Sec Rest
Recovery WOD Option:
C. 15 Minute AMRAP
300M Row @ 70% (Keep Strokes per minute around 25-30)
10 x Russian Swings @ 1.5 pood/1 pood
10 x Push-ups
-Post results under comments
5+50 meter row
got in 6 rounds in my 20 min Amrap
300M Row
15 American Swings
20 Sit ups
10 Push ups
4X500 Row
HSPU are getting much better
Push Press @ #75
Strict Chin Up with Red Band 8, 6, 7, 5
Split Squats @ two #35 dumbbells
GHR @ no weight (burners!)
endurance WOD: 2-6X1200m row with 2 min rest holding times within 5 sec. (4:40, 4:45, 4:41, 4:48 which ended the workout since I within 5 sec limit)
CFP WOD: worked some on HSPUs and then did recovery WOD at moderate pace