The Halloween WOD will be this Saturday from 10am – 11am, there will also be normal class hours at 8am and 9am.

A. 3 Sets
10 x Sandbag Power Cleans
10 x Sandbag Front Squats
10 x Hollow Rocks
2 Min Rest
B. 3 Sets Max Effort
500M Row
10 x Burpees
3 Min Rest
A. 3 Sets of Clusters
TNG Power Snatches
6-6-6 w/15 Sec Rest
w/2 Min Rest after each set
Clusters – Perform 6 TNG Reps, rest 15 secs, 6 TNG Reps, rest 15 Secs, 6 TNG Reps… 1 Set = 18 reps. Rest 2 Minutes after each set.
B. 3 Sets Max Effort
500M Row
10 x Burpees
A. 3 Sets of Clusters
TNG Power Snatches
6-6-6 w/15 Sec Rest
w/2 Min Rest after each set
Clusters – Perform 6 TNG Reps, rest 15 secs, 6 TNG Reps, rest 15 Secs, 6 TNG Reps… 1 Set = 18 reps. Rest 2 Minutes after each set.
B. 4 Sets Max Effort
500M Row
Rest 3 Min
-Post results under comments
A. Matt’s Satanic Snatch Clusters – done @ 35lb
B. 13:30 – the top of my foot/ankle kept cramping up which was not helpful…
A. 65lbs slowly. I do not like TNG lifting. I think it promotes poor form and risks injury
B. 10:59 performance
I would have to disagree with you Jim.
Oly class then 8:53 on the wod
Got out of work late, wasn’t gonna make 5:30 on time and couldn’t wait till 7:30pm. DAHLC Airdyne x30 min with intervals. Want to vomit.
Recovery day.
Rowed intervals for 20 minutes. Did some EMOM work with gymastics movements. Then finished with some barbell movements with just the bar- worked on technique. Toes to bar are getting better!
A : Done @ 85lbs, that gets brutal towards the end.
B : 13:54; rounds of 2:40, 2:38, & 2:36. I was slow on the burpees, finished my rows between 1:38 – 1:45. Low back a little tender from the dead lifts at 315 yesterday.
60 minute recovery row
Nice to Row over jog/walking on a treadmill today. 6000m in 30 min recovery row.
Recovery Day…… with a little extra 🙂
5 Rounds of 1 R/L TGU @ 35 lbs, then 10 R/L 1-Handed Swings
100 Swings As fast as possible… w/45lb KB
60 sec Work/ 30 sec Rest
50 sec Work/ 30 sec Rest
40 sec Work/ 30 sec Rest
30 sec Work/ 30 sec Rest
40 sec Work/ 30 sec Rest
50 sec Work/ 30 sec Rest
60 sec Work/ 30 sec Rest
Burpees and then repeat but with Planks……
100 Weight Sit ups…… with a 15lb dumbbell
Felt good to just move a lot
60 min recovery row
100 abmat sit-up variations