- Registrations for the Whole Life Challenge is live! This will be an EPIC challenge that will guarantee amazing results! Starts Feb 16th and will run for 8 weeks, you don’t want to miss out on this opportunity! Follow this Link to register, Non CFP members are welcome to this challenge as well!
- CFP is proud to host the level 1 Pendlay Weight Lifting seminar by MuscledriverUSA on February 9th. Glenn Pendlay is one of the top Olympic Lifting Coaches in the US, coaching some of the top lifters in the country. This is a 1 day hands on seminar, the registration fee is 200 dollars. Limited to the first 30 participants, follow this Link to register. There are only 9 spots left!
- The Super Friends Throwdown is on February 23rd starting at 9 am. Teams of 4 battling it out through 5 plus events guarantees that this is going to be fun and crazy Throwdown. Teams must register before January 28th to get a t-shirt for the event. Limited to 12 teams, follow this link to register.

A1. Take 15 Minutes to work up to a heavy 5 Rep Back Squat
A2. Pull-overs – 1 x 20
B1. Bent Rows – 3 x 10
B2. Shoulder Press – 3 x 8
C. 3 Rounds AFAP
10 x Lateral Jumps
15 x Swings
20 x Wallballs
2 Min Rest after each round
A1. Take 15 Minutes to work up to a heavy 5 Rep Back Squat
A2. Pull-overs – 1 x 20
B1. Bent Rows – 3 x 10
B2. Shoulder Press – 3 x 8
C. 3 Rounds AFAP
20 x Lateral Jumps @ 24inch/2oinch
25 x Russian Swings @ 70lb/53lb
30 x Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb
2 Min Rest after each round
A1. Back Squat – 1 x 20 Reps (-40lb – 5 Rep Max)
A2. Pull-overs – 1 x 20
B1. Weighted Pull-ups – 3 x ME
B2. Strict Deficit HSPU – 3 x ME
C. 3 Rounds AFAP
20 x Lateral Jumps @ 24inch/20inch
25 x American Swings @ 80lb/53lb
30 x Wallballs @ 25lb/16lb
2 Min Rest after each round
Optional Accessory
A. Bar Muscle-ups – 5 x 3
B. Ring HSPU – 5 x 3
-Post results under comments
A1) 365 x 5
A2.) Done
B2) @95
C.) 12:06 rx
Good Workout! Lots accomplished!
Don’t want to get called out again.
BS- 5 rep at 155
WOD- 13:57
1.5 pood; 12#. WB
A1. 195
A2. not done
B1. used 95 but didn’t always get all 8 reps in
B2. 95
C. 14:38 Rx’d perfromance
Great workout today. Very well organized for a large 10:00 class. Thanks Julie for keeping us going!
A. BS 1 x 20 @ 215lbs
B. Done
C. 13:?? – Performance
30 min easy run. Aerobic conditioning
5 sets of max rep push-ups. Strength/lactic threshold
Core: cause without it you are a wet noodle.
3 sets of front side side 15 seconds each
3×20 hollow rocks
A1. @ 155#
A2. @35#
B1. @85#
B2. @ 55#
c. 13:57 Performance 20″ jumps; 1.5 pood; 12 pound wall ball
C. 12:35 This was not easy!!
Kettlebell class. Matt is awesome! CFP is better than any physical therapy. Why can’t I remember that at 500 in the morning???
Thanks Susan!
BS-255# 5#PR
I liked the strength portion today. Thanks for pushing me on the BS coach Bane, you rock
WOD 15:10
OLY- Worked on form trying not to jump forward in snatch, c&j
2 pause FS 225#
A1. 1 x 20 BS @ 140#
A2. 1 x 20 pull overs @ 35#
B1. Bent Rows @ 85#
B2. Strict Press @ 55#
C. Sport: 14:39 (subbed step-ups for lateral jumps).
165, 175(f3)
10:29 – 24″, 1.5 pood, 14#
5RM back sq: 200#!! 20# increase !!
1RMback sq: 225!!! 10# pr!!
Thanks to Rob for yelling & pushing to do it!!
Kettlebells, baby! And it was kind of a brute. Couldn’t maintain the 10 swings every cycle–back and grip started to go on me.
A1. 135#
A2: 35#
B1/2: 45#
WOD: 12:01 Rx
Awesome workout!
Back squats 135 10 PR… Thanks everyone foe cheering me on.. I needed it.
A1. 105# BS
A2. Done 15#
B1. Done 65#
B2. Done 55#
C. 14:54….tough WOD!
A1)1×20 @295
A2)1×20 45#
B1)20# 7-7-6
B2)8in deficit 6-5-4
WOD- 10:15
BS– not sure
13:53-performance w-2pood/25lb ball
A1)1×20 @255
A2)1×20 45#
B1)25# 5-4-5
B2)4in deficit 4-4-4
Recovery WOD?
30 min easy run. Aerobic conditioning
5 sets of max rep push-ups. Strength/lactic threshold : 5×15
Core: cause you can never get enough of the plank and hollow rock.
3 sets of front side side 15 seconds each
5×20 hollow rocks
Oly night! Feeling better on Snatch. C&J feeling good. Flossed my knee for the first time. Yikes.
A: 155# X 5
WOD: 11:57 , performance, scaled