Movement Warm-up Set
3 x Sets NFT
10 x Medball Cleans
10 x Toes through Ring
10 x Kbell swings russian
A. Clean Pulls – 5 x 2 w/1 min rest (Go heavy)
B. Deadlifts – 3 x 3 w/2 min rest
C. Death by:
12 minute Cap
–If you are unable to continue every minute, scale back to 1 and continue until the 12 minute Cap is reached.
-Post results under comments
Clean pulls – 135,155,175,185,205
Deadlifts – 315
Wod – 7 rds Rx
Clean pulls – 155, 175, 195, 215, 235
Deadlifts – 365
WOD – 7 rounds before resetting Rx
A. Clean Pull: 64/75/85/95/95
B. Deadlift: 145/164/185
C. Death By… 6 (green for PUs & floor T2B)
WOD 10 rounds Rx