A1. Strict Press – 6@9 (Load Drop) 4-9%
A2. Weighted Pull-ups – 3 to 5 Sets between sets of Strict Presses
B. Every 2 Mins for 5 Sets
15 x Ball Slams
150M Row or 1 Lap around the back
A1. Strict Press – 6@9 (Load Drop) 4-9%
A2. Weighted Pull-ups – 3 to 5 Sets between sets of Strict Presses
B. Every 2 Mins for 5 Sets
10 x Lateral Box Overs @ 24inches/20inches
125M Run (1 Lap)
-Post results under comments
A1. 65, 60, 60, 60.
A2. Done. Red + green bands. Felt better than usual for strict pull ups.
B. Done. 16″ box. Last couple rounds felt good. Found a groove. Finished the last round in 1:13.
Strict press 90/85
Pull ups done…haven’t done these in like 5-6 months and they seemed pretty hard at the top…feel like I lost a lot of lat strength, need to do more strict stuff. Did a few strict HSPU between presses and I could manage 1 or two at a time. Tried a bar muscle up with skinny band and made one of them…once again lat strength is lacking…
Kneeling press done
Pendlay row done
Bulletproof shoulders done
WOD done
A1. 85. Deload @ 75#
A2. With 2.5# plate.
B. Done. Finally started to get into a rhythm on those lateral box jumps the last two rounds.
C. BS: 200. Deload @ 180#.
30 weighted GHD’s with 20# WB
A1. 75..didn’t deload oops.
A2. Done with 2.5 lb plate for 1 round and 5lb plate for rest
B. Done. negative splits. Much tougher than it looks!
C. BS. 200. Deload @ 175. Hips felt like junk.
Then 2UB Bar MU every 2 mins for 5 sets.
Some shoulder mobility.
A. 60# press, different band combos for PU
B. Did the 20in lat jumps…most rounds right around 1:30.
A. 75 (altho form was not tight on last two reps)…deloaded to 65 for 3 sets
A2. 2 sets of pull ups with red band, 2 sets of chin ups
B. Not a fan of the lateral jumps…
C. Worked on strict and kipping HSPU
Worked on bar MUs….. Couldn’t remember how to do them right away….. then finally got it
D. Bent over row with 40lb DB