Tuesday 08122014

EcoTriathlon!  Great race!
EcoTriathlon! Great race!


A.) Back squats – 3×2 @ 80%

B.) 20 min AMRAP

5 strict press, DB or KB

10 Step ups 24/20

15 sit-ups

20 cal row


A.) Back squats – 3×2 @ 80%

B.) 20 min AMRAP

5 strict press (85/55)

10 Box Jump 24/20

15 T2B

20 cal row


A.) Back squats – 3×2 @ 80%  Pause on first rep – no bounce


B.) 20 min AMRAP

5 strict HSPU

10 Box Jump 24/20

15 T2B

20 cal row

C.) EMOM 6 min

3 squat clean and jerk (~60%) work on “thruster jerk”

go straight into a push jerk when coming out of the squat

D1.) 4×10 GHD sit-up

D2.) 4×10 hip extension


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7 Responses
  1. Paul Bye

    A. 135-185-215-215-235-235
    B. 5 rounds + 16, @85#, K2E. Love the long/steady workout, reminded me a lot of the kinds we had in beginner classes.

  2. JennF

    Missed snatches– worked on technique. 5x 3TNG at 80#. Then did part C at 85#.
    B. 4+20ish… Strict HSPU with 1-2 abmats. T2B attempts were mostly K2E /working on kipping them together.

  3. Susan kian

    A. 195
    B. sport Rx 5+12
    C. 105 every 20-30 sec
    D done

    I liked the HSPU strict. I find them more efficient and they don’t give me a headache. Worked on breathing thru my movements. Really helped on ttb

  4. Mark Michalski

    Worked late, didn’t make it in.

    Ran a mile, thought I was going to die. Ate a delicious hamburger w/ bacon…all was right in the world.