- Registrations for the Whole Life Challenge is live! This will be an EPIC challenge that will guarantee amazing results! Starts Feb 16th and will run for 8 weeks, you don’t want to miss out on this opportunity! Follow this Link to register, Non CFP members are welcome to this challenge as well!
- CFP is proud to host the level 1 Pendlay Weight Lifting seminar by MuscledriverUSA on February 9th. Glenn Pendlay is one of the top Olympic Lifting Coaches in the US, coaching some of the top lifters in the country. This is a 1 day hands on seminar, the registration fee is 200 dollars. Limited to the first 30 participants, follow this Link to register. There are only 5 spots left!
- The Super Friends Throwdown is on February 23rd starting at 9 am. Teams of 4 battling it out through 5 plus events guarantees that this is going to be fun and crazy Throwdown. Teams must register before January 28th to get a t-shirt for the event. Limited to 12 teams, follow this link to register.

Fitness – Performance – Sport
A. 5 Rounds NFT – Start @ 45lb/35lb – Increase weight as needed
3 x Muscle-Cleans
3 x Muscle-Cleans + Front Squat
3 x Power Cleans
3 x Tall Cleans
B. 20 Min EMOM
Fitness – 2 x Squat Cleans @ Heavy as possible
Performance – 1 + Pause Clean at Knee + 1 – Clean @ 70%-75%
Sport – 1 + Pause Clean at Knee + 1 – Clean @ 225lb – 275lb
-Pause Clean – Start Clean normally – pause for 1 second at the knees – Shins should be vertical shoulders over the bar weight on the heels – Extend knees and hips aggressively while maintaining heel contact on the ground during the finish portion (Position 1) of the clean
C. 1K Row AFAP
Optional Accessory
A. 5 Rounds AFAP
12 x Deadlifts @ 275lb/185lb
10 x Pull-ups
8 Min Cap
B1. Weighted Plank – 3 x 1 Min
B2. Banded Good Mornings – 3 x ME
-Post results under comments
30 min run/jog
5×5 dumbell thrusters
5×10 close grip lat pull downs.
3×20 hollow rocks.
Great work boot campers!
CFP=Measureable results.
30 min run/jog
5×5 dumbell thrusters: 25 # dumbells on each arm, tried 30 and failed after 2.
5×5 close grip lat pull downs. 70/90/110/130/125
5×20 hollow rocks.
10 front/10 side/10 side/10 front medball abs at 8#.
Done! The pause clean was very challenging, I didn’t get to 70%. Used 175 instead of 200. Row was 3:57 I think….can’t remember for sure.
Wow.. deloading is no joke–lots of WORK.
Used 85# (around 65% max rep). Nice to have repetition on these techniques, just hoping through repetition I am not making a habit out of bad form. Probably ended with weight on my toes for half of the lifts. Time to Rock Paper Scissors my hubby for some time with Nic?!
Row- 4:01.
A. Done 35#
B. Pause clean/clean 90#
C. 4:19 1k row
A. Done @ 45/95
B. 20 min EMOM @ 155
C. 1K row 3:58
D. GHD / RHE 3 x 15
A. 2 rds @ 35#, 3 rds @ 55#
B. Sport @ 125#
C. 4:10 (was a lil lazy on this)
60 GHD’s
A: 2×35#, 3×55#
B: performance: 115#
C: 4:17
3×10 ghd, reverse hypers
A. 2X35#, 2X55#, 1X65#
B. Performance at 10X65#, 10 X75#
Got a little further down in my squat tonight and knee isn’t too bad tonight!
C. 4:36 (I think)
50-40-30-20-10 russian twists with 10#
A. 5 rds @ #95
B. fitness @ #115
C: 4:32
10 Russian swings emom
4:20 row
A) 2@35 3@55
B) performance @85
Row 4:23
Liked tonight workout.. Felt great..
endurance WOD: 20X125m w/3:00 rest 25,24,24,24,24,23,23,23,23,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,25sec
A. 45,45,65,75,95lbs
B. 135 for 11 rounds, 145 for 9 rounds
C. 3:38 went out too fast and died by 500m and had to hang on
A. Done
B. 95 and 115
C. 4:06
A. 2 rds @ 45#, 2 rds @ 95#, 1 rd @ 115#
B. Sport @ 225# 10 rds, 185# 10 rds.
C. 3:26
EMOM : at 105#
Row : 4:19
A)45#-2, 95#-3
5/225, 5/235, 3/245, 2/255, 3/265 1/275 (missed the full clean 19th min, made both cleans 20th min) …
A. 35#
B. 85# – A lot of the time I’m sending my hips forward instead of up. Over compensating for trying to make hip contact with the bar.
C. 3:43 w/ a few secs rest at 500 & 750.
Think of standing straight up and back on your heels when you’re meeting the bar with your hips….
A. 45
B. 135 first 3 rounds. 185 for next 8 rounds. 205 for 4 rounds. Back down to 185 for last 5.
C. 3:35
Started at 85# and worked up to 100# (thanks, Matt!)
Row: 4:02 PR
Loved this workout!
Worked form with 45# bar
EMOM – All rounds at 95# – some right shoulder pain during the squat and bringing the bar back down….found out I was holding the bar too tight.
Row: 3:55
Form 35# with 55# last set
EMOM from 65# to 95# for last 2 minutes
Row: 1K 4:03 (Rowing was hard after all the cleans) Started too fast at 1:45 then paced and ended back at 1:45 pace.
I should have gone….. but apart from being whiny and lazy, I couldn’t even think putting weight on my wrist. So I stayed home and ate lots of snacks