Wednesday 06242014


Friends and Family day!

All Levels:

Teams of 2:

4 rounds

20 wall balls

20 push ups

30 walking lunges

20 sit ups

10 Burpess

(Partition any way between partners)

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7 Responses
  1. Crysta P

    13:39 with Renee. I used a 14# wallball for the first time ever. Yes really. It was not too bad. I like being able to partition up reps with a partner.

  2. Paul Bye

    12:20 w/ Todd, @20# WB. Harder than I thought, thought the rest between each movement would make it easy but it was a short rest 🙂
    Tire flips were fun!

  3. Marcy

    14:36 … nice workout!
    Yes, tire flips were fun…hard at first but got easier! I think I got in 5 or 6 rounds.
    And think I may be pretty sore tomorrow.
    I’m really liking the programming, and really enjoy having a bit of time at the end most days for mobility. God knows I need it! 🙂

  4. Staci Vinz

    With my gal Heather:
    4 rounds:
    30 x WB @ 16# to 10 ft target
    30 x push ups
    45 x OH walking lunges w/25# plate
    30 x GHD’s
    15 x burpees

    Tire flips

  5. JennF

    4 rounds with Amy
    30 16# WB @10ft target
    30 push-ups
    40 walking lunges with 15#plate overhead
    30 sit-ups
    20 burpees.
    1956 I think. Tried to keep up with ^^^^ but we petered out at the end 🙂

  6. Melissa

    Great friends and family workout! Even got my friend to join! Tire flips were a fun change 🙂
    12 and some change time wise. 25# plate overhead lunges and 14# WB