A.) EMOM – 7×2 Strict Pull-ups, add wt if needed.
B.) 15 min AMRAP
10 GI Jane
400m Run
<–> Leopard Crawl
A.) EMOM – 7×2 Strict Pull-ups, add wt if needed.
B.) 15 min AMRAP
10 GI Jane
400m Run
<–> Leopard Crawl
A.) EMOM – 7×1 strict muscle ups or 7×3 strict muscle up progression with
bands hanging from rig. See Demo Vid here.
B.) 15 min AMRAP
5 burpee muscle up or 10 burpee C2B
400m Run
<–> HS Walk
***Scale HS walk to 1 length if needed or 10 shoulder touches in HS against wall***
C.) If did not HS walk in WOD 15 min HS walk practice
D.) 250 double unders for time 5 burpees on the top of every minute
So sad I worked late! I was looking forward to this workout! Perhaps I can make it up on thurs or sat! 🙁
A. Worked on strict MU progressions with banded rings (thick blue band. Sat on 35# plate).
B. 2 rounds + (2 MU+6 C2B Burpees: shoulder was hurting on MU, so stopped) + 2 laps
***Did 10 shoulder taps each round. This is the first time I’ve EVER been able to do shoulder taps!!! Thanks for the tip on keeping my feet together Nic. Once I got the hang of them and turned off my brain, they went really well!!!
C. Skipped
D. 4:54
A. completed all w/out bands – used 8# med ball for added weight on last set of 2
B. 3 rounds plus 10 GI’s…VOMIT! This one really kicked my butt.