Wednesday 09112013

CFP Boot Camp  –  Our next boot camp starts September 30th and meets M/W/F at 7pm-8pm.  CFP offers group discounts of three or more, for more details and to register follow this link.  



A.  4 Sets 

10 x Kettlebell RDL 

45 Sec Rest 

10 x BB or Db Presses 

45 Sec Rest 

B.  EMOM – 20 Mins 

Even – 10 x Push Presses 

Odd – 10 x Stationary Lunges (Weighted optional) 


A.  Every 90 Secs for 5 Sets 

2 x Heavy Deadlifts @ 85% + 

B.  20 Min AMRAP 

200M Run 

15 x Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb 

15 x Burpees 


Every 15 Secs for 16 Sets 

2 x TNG Deadlifts @ 365lb/225lb 

B.  EMOM – 20 Mins 

Even – 10 x Push Jerks @ 115lb/85lb 

Odd – 10 x American Swings @ 2 pood/1.5 pood 

Games Track 2014 (All Levels) 

A.  400M Farmers Carry @ 2 x 2 pood/1.5 pood 

-Post results under comments  


20 Responses
  1. Malachi Johnson

    A.) didn’t go to 85% did 275 for deadlifts

    B.) 5 rounds + like 100 meters or so of running P.S., Burpees SUCK!!!!

  2. Jen

    Busy day, did the fitness workout in my shed- 800 m run beginning and end, A. DL with 53# bell, 45# press. B. 45-55# pp and 15# lunges. 10 min mobility. Good stuff

  3. Laura S

    A. Deadlifts 2 sets @ 125#, 3 sets @ 145#
    B. 4 rounds + 200 m run = ROUGH! Felt really tired today.
    10 mins mobility.

  4. Holly Todd

    A. Deadlifts @ 175#
    B. 5+200

    Today was a struggle as I felt drained and sore from the last 5 days! oh and Burpees were awful!!

  5. Nicole Chovan

    A. Done. I did 16 sets, did the first 4 every 15 seconds then it started to be more like 30 seconds. Not bad seeing as my PR was 225 mid July.
    B. Done. Went well!
    GT14- done at 1.5 pood with 47 lb sandbag. My grip felt weak. Took me some time with this one. Had to stop quite a bit and re-adjust.

  6. Sara Jech

    A. 195, 195, 200, 200, 205
    Felt strong today!!!!!!!!!!!

    B. 6 + 200M + 8
    LUNG BURNER!!!!! WOW!!!
    I don’t remember any other day that I had to just sit there for about 15 minutes afterwards…. This WOD took a lot out of me!!!

  7. Susan Kian

    Scaled up performance for A. 195 tng dl every 15 s for 16 sets. That was heavy enough for me today.

    B sport wod rx

    One round i only did 5 push jerks and one i did 7 otherwise i did them all.

    Farmer carry with 1.5 pood in each hand

    Abs and back raisers

  8. Staci Vinz

    FS/BS/Dip Cycle
    A. Done, hit all reps @ 225. This weight felt easy today. Focused on not breaking form.
    B. Done. This workout went well. I had plenty of rest each set to get ready for the next.
    Did with 47# sandbag and 2 x 1.5 poods. Not to bad, worst part was the sandbag weighing down my lower back and the darn straps cutting into my shoulders.

    50 x 20# GHD’s

  9. Sara G

    A. 3 rounds @ 125, 2 rounds @ 155
    B. 5 + 100m Rx

    Two major accomplishments for me tonight. I used a 14# wallball for the first time, and I dead-lifted my body weight!

  10. Ben

    A. 3 sets at 315#, 2 sets 335#
    B. 6 rounds with a 25# ball, all the 20s were taken. Laid on my back for a little while after this was done, first time in a long time. I really don’t like burpees.

  11. Carrie

    A. 215#. Not quite 85% wasn’t feeling it
    B. 5 rds + just started 200 (but still finished it) this was just exhausting. Waiting for my sugar detox to be over!