CFP Boot Camp
Our next boot camp starts September 30th and meets M/W/F at 7pm-8pm. For more details and to register follow this link. Only 5 spots left!

A. 4 Sets
30 Sec Man Makers
30 Sec Ball Slams
B. 18 Min AMRAP
400M Run/Row
15 x Push-ups
A. Every 15 Secs for 16 Sets
3 x Deadlifts @ 205lb/115lb
B. 18 Min AMRAP
400M Run/Row
15 x STO @ 135lb/95lb
A. Every 15 Secs for 16 Sets
3 x Deadlifts @ 295lb/205lb
B. 18 Min AMRAP
400M Run/Row
15 x STO @ 155lb/105lb
Games Track 2014
Follow this link
-Post results under comments
A. 165
B. 5+100ish meters @110
A. 105
B. 5+ 10 meters (rowed, weight at 45#)
A. Done at 175. Sets of 2 or 3. Mostly 2’s. Not quite sure why the heck I can’t pull 175+ off the ground but I can throw it over my head…interesting concept.
B. 5+400+1. Did 15 ground to shoulder with 50lb med ball.
GT14 A&B done.
A. @185# – made it through 12 rounds with 3’s, then 2-1-1-1. Back was a little sore to start and I was trying hard to maintain good form.
B. 4 rounds + 400m run, @115# STOs. Shoulders sore from Monday but still a great workout – love this combination.
a. @ 115
b. 5+200M at 75#. Like STO, maybe should have done 80/85– run+ I’m slow=no fun.
Worked on snatch techniques for 45 min before class… the time that was over i wanted to eat my left arm…so hungry.
A. Did light deadlift 125. Felt nice to not struggle for a minute
B. 3+12 sport rx – had no energy but got thru it.
A. Done
B. 4+200 @115
A. @115
B. 4 + about 50 M (started at 55# for 2 rds then went to 65# for other 2 rds)
Felt very good! Went light (should have gone heavier!) because i’m not good at running, but that even felt good tonight(steady pace). YAY!!
A. @115, kept good form throughout (thats Sara for the coaching!)
B. 4+ 400, row, 55# (thought about doing 65# but did have to break the sets of 15 in to 10 and 5 so 55 was probably right)
Workouts going well, feeling strong…. seems like I’m getting to really know when and what to scale. Steady improvement.
B@45- 5+200+2
A. Some 3’s, some 2’s per round ad skipped a couple rounds because of shoulder.
B. Made it through 400m+15+400m+5 before my shoulder/bad seized up and had to stop. Time to figure out how to fix this before Granite Games……frustrated!!!
How about resting it?
Trust me, I will!!!
A. @205
B. 4+200@115#
A. 175#, skipped 1 full round and 1 rep
B. 4+400m+8 @ 95#
A. 85# did 3 rounds of 2 reps mixed into the rest with 3 reps. I hope my form got better through these; I was trying!
B. 5 even. Row and 45# for weight. I had very little energy and it was rough getting through that – definitely think the past 2 days of not eating much made an impact.
C. Did 3 minutes of hollow rocks like Juli told me to. Made it to 115.
A. 205x3x16 rounds – hammy’s were on fire!
B. 6 rounds completed, only used 75lbs for the STO. Nagging shoulder injury, and I wanted to focus more on getting some runs in.
A. @ 105#
B. STO @ 55#: 3 rounds + 400 M run