A.) Strict press – 10×7
B.) For time:
with a partner
8 laps running
80 step ups (24/20)
80 partner wall ball sit-ups
200 Single Unders
***partition as needed, oneĀ partner working at a time***
A.) Strict press – 10×10
B.) For time:
with a partner
8 laps running
80 box jumps (24/20)
80 partner wallball sit-ups
160 Double Unders
***partition as needed, oneĀ partner working at a time***
A.) Strict press – 10×10
B.) For time:
with a partner
10 laps running
100 box jumps (24/20)
100 partner wallball sit-ups
200 Double Unders
-Results to comments!
I should not have checked what the WOD was today beforehand.