A.) Back Squat – 10×7 @65%
B.) 6 min AMRAP
1 double KB thruster
1 Burpee
2 double KB thruster
2 Burpee
3 double KB thruster
3 Burpee
and so on…
A.) Back Squat – 10×10 @65%
B.) 6 min AMRAP
1 Thruster (95/65)
1 Bar over Burpee
2 Thruster (95/65)
2 Bar over Burpee
3 Thruster (95/65)
3 Bar over Burpee
A.) Back Squat – 10×10 @ 65% or less
B.) 6 min AMRAP
1 Thruster (95/65)
1 Bar over Burpee
2 Thruster (95/65)
2 Bar over Burpee
3 Thruster (95/65)
3 Bar over Burpee
-Results to comments!
A. 135
B. 7+3 bar facing burpees
A. Working off a 230 max, started at 50% and increased to 60% over the 10 sets
B. Comp WOD: 8+1 – burpees got worse and thrusters got better around Rd 6
10×10 125 135 145 145 145 150 150 150 150 145
WOD got to 11 with kb thruster with 1 arm
135×5 sets, 140×4 sets…..NDF
8+3 Rx
A. 95-115-135×7-155 last round. Good tip Nic on the bar/neck location – way easier (even after 2 years you still learn things!)
B. 7 rounds + 6, Rx