A.) Max L/R Turkish get-up
B.) Max L/R single KB Press
C.) 15-12-9
Cal Row
A) 1RM Snatch
B.) 1RM Clean and Jerk
C.) 15-12-9
Cal Row
Burpee over the rower
A) 1RM Snatch
B.) 1RM Clean and Jerk
C.) 15-12-9
Cal Row
Burpee over the rower
-Results to Comments!
Snatch 135
Clean & jerk 159
WOD 5;12
Snatch – 145 (1RM is 155)
C&J – 185 (1RM is 215)
Completed WOD, not sure of time. These numbers are not what I had hoped for, but I’m really sore and was sick all last week so I kind of expected it.