Wednesday 05162012


A.  Lynne 

5 Rounds For Max Reps 

Body Weight Bench Press


Rest as needed between sets

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9 Responses
  1. Shawn

    WOD: 217 @ 190#. So close but didn’t know until after I was done. I think tomorrow will be a rest day, pretty sore today.

  2. Nate

    152 rx. Bench press went to crap after round 2 and I just missed making the board, but I’m happy that I PR’d by about 30 reps.

  3. Kirk

    First time meeting Lynne. I am very sore already, felt great during though. Failed miserably one round when my hands ripped up. 145 total. Not RX. Definitely want to go again.

  4. Jen

    I have never been so happy to be injured… but glad that the soreness is going away! Last September we did this workout, and I struggled with 55#, only getting 5-10 reps on each set, and then only getting 3-7 pullups. Tonight, I got 15-16 bench presses and 8-10 pullups with a red band on each set. Yeah for getting stronger! If you are ever injured, don’t use it as an excuse to not workout, but look at it as an oppurtunity to get stronger in a different skill, or in a muscle group that isn’t injured. That is the beauty of CFP that you can modify or scale anything.