There are extra Barbell Club Thermals and T-shirts available in the CFP retail store in the box. Thermals are 35.00 and T-shirts are 25.00 first come first serve. For those who reserved a t-shirt/thermal/tank, your item will be on the bottom of the rack with your name tagged on your item/items.
A. Hang Snatch (Above the knee) – 5 x 2 w/90 Sec Res t
B. 5 Rounds AFAP
5 x TNG Power Cleans @ 205lb/135lb
5 x Push Presses @ 205lb/135lb
20 x Double-unders
Immediately after the completion of all 5 rounds SPRINT 400M ALL OUT
-Post results under comments
11:24 @185#
10:13, 55# X 4, 75 X 1 round (thanks Matt for pushing me!)
10:24. With a variety of scaling/changing of movements.
WOD 9:15 @ 95 lbs
13:35 @ 135
5X2 Hanging Snatch 55lb
WOD: 8:45 @ 45lb & 80 singles
WOD : 10:19 @95# + mobility after