A. Test #1 – Max Effort Strict Pull-ups – 3 Attempts
B. Test #2 – Max Effort Box Jump – 3 Attempts
C. With a Partner for time:
Row/Run or Both 5000M (Total distance)
Partition distance anyway you want with your partner.
-Post results under comments
Snatch-185, 195(f)
C&J-225, 245(f)
PU-w/ vest-9,7,7
Box jump-46″
3X1000m row: 3:46,3:51,3:45
pullups 7,8,box jump 40,44, 46(f)
WOD: 19:17 w/the man, the myth, the legend Mark O’reilly
A. 1 strict, 4 with thin red band, 4 with thin red band
B 30
C: 23:28 with Jeff, alternating row and run x 500