A1. 3 x 5-8 w/60 Sec Rest – Bar Muscle – ups (Advance) – Scaled Muscle-ups (Intermediate) – Kipping Pull-ups (Novice)
A2. 3 x 8-10 w/60 Sec Rest – HSPU
B. 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 AFAP
Air squats
Box jumps @ 24inch/20inch
C. Mobility
-Post results under comments
WOD- 15:00 ended with 800M run
WOD- 14:45 ended with 800M Row
5:47 Rx
Attempted one arm pull ups… Kinda failed
One armed handstand holds..iffy
Wod: 9:34
Subbed pushups for kb presses (white pd).
One arm minimal to no arm swing box jumps r kinda hard…
Kb class
Oly night! Wrist is feeling better but not 100%. Lifts felt pretty good.
WOD :9:27 with 20″ box.