Friday 09212012

Why we Olympic Lift 

-Doug Chapmen (Owner of HyperFit USA)

We teach the Olympic lifts to regular, ordinary everyday people. Why? Our people will probably never lift in a meet, though I think it would be cool. Let’s think about it: Think about training coordination. To execute any of the lifts, there a symphony of movement to lift a barbell rapidly enough to make it weightless where you can pull yourself under and catch it, then the strength to support it and then stand up with the weight. The development of power and speed is unarguable. For the non-uber athlete, why would you want to do that? The primary benefit to o-lifting is increasing overall strength. i.e. I can lift heavy shit. The lifts develop speed. i.e. I and lift heavy shit fast. (Prerequisite to the lifts) The lifts develop coordination. You can’t do the previous well if cannot develop coordination. The lifts develop balance. Catch a snatch and see what breaks down.


Olympic lifting is based in the central nervous system. The ability to fire the right motor units in the right pattern and right sequence are key to a successful lift. As we age, sit at a desk and generally stop moving, we lose the ability to move because we don’t. The lifts teach movement. Whether you are lifting a PVC pipe or a PR attempt, you are training your body to move better and faster.

Better movement is the reason why we Olympic Lift.

A.  Split Jerk (Rack) – 7 x 1 w/90 Sec Rest 

B.  5 Minute AMRAP of 

10 x Burpees 

20 x Swings (American or Russian) @ 1.5 pood / 1 pood 

30 x Double-unders 

Rest 5 Minutes and repeat for 2 Rounds total.  

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