Tuesday 09252012

CFP Pack

A.  Front Squats – 5 x 5 w/2 Min Rest 

B.  8 Min AMRAP 


Front Squats @ 135lb/95lb 

Pull-ups (Advance CTB Pull-ups) 

C.  100 x Lying Leg Raises 

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11 Responses
  1. Rach H

    FS: 55- 85-105-125-135 (not bad for first time doing that w/ bumm shoulder) had to rack bar lower, but it worked.
    12’s+ 12 (95# BS, white pd KB C&J)

  2. Cally Vinz

    WOD: 12+ 14, struggled with front squats, only used 45#. Gotta get greater mental toughness to tolerate the discomfort of some of these movements.