Monday 05192014
A. Establish a 6RM Back Squat then perform:
3 Sets of 6 Reps of A @ -10lb-30lb w/3 Min Rest
B. 3 Rounds AFAP 400M Run 20 x Alternating DB Snatches
A. Establish a 6RM Back Squat then perform:
3 Sets of 6 Reps of A @ -10lb-30lb w/3 Min Rest
B. 3 Rounds AFAP 400M Run 15 x PC+PJ @ 115lb/85lb 15 Min Cap
-Post results under comments
A. 165 load drop to 145. Still sore from DL on Saturday – a little hip/back tweakiness so did not push it today.
B. 14:04 (PC+PJ @ 65lb) Worked on connecting the PC & PJ into one motion. Had some success but I feel like I get off center on the bar.
Feel better after moving and mobility.
A. 135# 6 rep max, load drop to 125# for 3 sets of 6 reps
B. 12:20 500m row and 55# PC+PJ (should’ve maybe went heavier on the clean/jerks)
A. 165 then down to 155. Same as last week. Knee was not liking the squating so didn’t push it
B. 14:00. Ugh running. 65# probably should’ve went heavier but knew the running would be tough.
A. 200. Drop sets at 185
B. 15:18
C. Skipped, did a variation of this on thursday. And my hands were torn after B.
D. Did a variation. Added a few more things to work on my shoulders
Practiced some HS walks.
A. 205, drop set 3×6 @ 185
B. 12:04 only did 6 BMU each round. Wasn’t sure how they would feel or how long they would take. Probably could if done 8-10/round and been ok.
Skipped C and D. Had to work late and only had an hour to workout.
A. Pushed it working with Ms. Vinz. 185–dropped to 175 (3×6).
B. 11:41 rowing and 85# PJ/PC. Sore wrist.
A. 180, dropped to 160 (accidently counted wrong), 170, 170
B. 400 M Run, 12 Bar MUs
did all with blue and red band….. first time ever doing MUs in a workout
C. Worked up to 125, bringing down to back is rough on the neck
Did the 10 sets at 105….. Not much rest on this (8-10 secs per round)
D. 3 sets
20 GHD strict sit ups
1 min holds
8/8 DB Row w/40lb
A. 6-RM @195#, 10# higher than last week. 3 sets @175#. Probably could go higher, but this is week 2 of correcting my squat, so far so good.
B. 12:45 @95# PC/PJ, running. Out of breath a couple different times in this one, but kept a steady pace.
Yoga at lifetime in MPLs 🙂
A. Worked up to 125, dropped to 115
B. 14:35 – running and 75#