Monday 07072014



A. Clean and Jerk 8×2 @ 80%

B. 3 Rounds

8 Ground to OH (135/95)

12 pull-ups

20 WB


A. Clean and Jerk 8×2 @ 80%

B. 3 rounds

8 Ground to OH (185/115)

12 C2B

20 WB (25/20)

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9 Responses
  1. Crysta P

    A. 95×2, 100×2, 105×2, 110×2. Felt decent – wish we had a bit more warm up time.
    B. 11:27 (75# GTO, 14# WB, R+G band PU). Shoulders are burning.
    C. 25 × 2 weighted sit ups @10#

  2. Sara G

    A. 85×2, 90×2, 95×2, 100×2 – 95 is about 80% for me based on my last PR
    B. 11:47 – 75# GTO and the rest Rx! I have never done 36 kipping PU’s before! 🙂

  3. Paul Bye

    A. 95-115-165-165-165-165-165-165-165
    B. 11:17, @135# C&J, blue band/jumping pull-ups, 20# wallballs
    unintentional 6-day rest, but probably turned out to be a good thing, was very fresh today

  4. Susan kian

    C and j 155

    Sport WOD done. Really didn’t feel like working out today. Usually not a quitter but really wanted to quit and go home halfway thru. Glad I finished. Rough day today mentally.