Friday 07252014

Sandbags for scaling!
Sandbags for scaling!


A. Work up to heavy 3 rep back squat.

B. Fran

For time:


Thrusters (95/65)



A. Work up to heavy 3 rep back squat.

B. Heavy Fran

For Time:


Thrusters (135/95)

CTB Pull-ups


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2 Responses
  1. Crysta P

    A. Work up to 190# – a new 3 rep max! Felt really good today.
    B. 5:24 (45#, red+green band pull up) – shoulders not feeling great today so went lighter than might have otherwise

  2. Sara G

    A. 125 – kept it light in preparation for Fran
    B. 8:34 Rx – never done this one before and it was brutal!