
Kettlebell/Function A) Make up Lift B.) 12 min AMRAP 3-6-9-12… Russian KB Swings (1.5,1) DB Push Press (25,15) Sit-ups Perform: A) Back Squats Heavy 2 rep no Pause or….. Make up Lift B.) 12 min AMRAP 3-6-9-12… Hang Power Clean (115/85) HSPU or Push Press T2B Compete: A1) Heavy C and J – 1 miss your done A2) Back Squats Heavy 2 rep no Pause B.) 12 min AMRAP 3-6-9-12… Hang Power Clean (185/125) HSPU (4″/0″ Deficit) T2B    
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  The first SFH order of the new year is going out January 10th! The following is some information on our SFH fish oil which is hands down the most potent fish oil on the market that we know of. Just compare the EPA and DHA levels on the back, there is no reason to have to take 20 fish oil pills (unless you prefer the pills over the liquid). It’s that time of year where our days are getting shorter and there is less direct sunlight exposure. I’ve provided some information on the value of Vitamin D relative to the immune system and prevention of seasonal diseases. Feel free to share this information on your social media platforms or website: Over 1 billion people are deficient in Vitamin D: Puts them at risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, MS and infectious diseases including season flu, tuberculosis and more Over 90%...
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KettleBell: A.) 5x 1-3 ladder Heavy Snatch.  KB or Dumb bell. 1 snatch left, 1 snatch Right, 2 snatch left, 2 snatch right, 3 snatch left, 3 snatch right. B.) 17 min AMRAP 30 Burpees 30 DB Snatch/KB snatch 25 Burpees 25 DB Snatches 20 Burpees 20 DB Snatch 15 Burpees 15 DB Snatch 10 Burpees 10 DB Snatch 5 Burpees 5 DB Snatch (Repeat 5 Burpees, 5 Snatches for remainder) Perform: A) Snatch – 4×1 @ 75% B.) 17 min AMRAP 30 Burpees 30 Snatch (45/35) 25 Burpees 30 Snatch (95/55) 20 Burpees 30 Snatch (115/85) 15 Burpees Max reps snatch (135/95) Max reps snatch (135/95) Compete: A) Heavy Snatch Balance  3 misses and your done – goal is heavier than snatch 1rm B.) Open Workout 13.1 17 min AMRAP 40 Burpees to 6″ target 30 Snatch (75/45) 30 Burpees to 6″ target 30 Snatch (135/75) 20 Burpees to...
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No Classes Christmas Eve and Christmas day. A.) Teach a relative how to squat for Christmas!   B.) Enjoy the simple things.    
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Function: A) RDL’s 4×3 slow tempo 3/3 then…… 1 legged split squats 3×15 (R/L) B.) 21-15-9 KB Swings (1.5/1) Goblet Squats (1.5/1) Single Unders (3X) Perform: A) RDL’s 4×3 slow tempo 3/3 then…… 1 legged split squats 3×15 (R/L) B.) 21-15-9 KB Swings (55/44) Goblet Squats (55/44) Double Unders (2x) Compete: A1) Clean and Jerk 4×1 @70% A2) RDL’s 4×3 slow tempo 3/3 then…. 1 legged split squats 3×15 (R/L) B.) 21-15-9 KB Snatch (1.5/1) 1 arm KB OHS (1.5/1) Double Unders (2X) Results to comments!  
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