Fitness: A.) EMOM – 6 min. 5 burpees then run to grass and back B.) 4 rounds 6 DB Manmakers (20/10) 20 Cal Row then 2 lap run buyout Performance: A.) EMOM – 6 min. 5 burpees and 20 DU’s B.) 4 rounds 6 DB Manmakers (30/20) 20 Cal Row then 100 DU’s buyout Competitor: A.) EMOM – 6 min. 5 burpees box overs (24/20) and 30 DU’s B.) 4 rounds 6 DB Manmakers (45/30) 20 Cal Row then 150 DU’s buyout C1.) Bench press 5×5 C2.) Double KB front rack walking lunge – 20 steps (44s,35s) -Results to comments!!
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