CFP will be allowing all SFH protein products for the challenge. It will not count against you. We sell SFH products because they are the highest quality whey protein available. As an example, SFH Recovery is composed of approximately 2/3 whey concentrate and 1/3 essential amino acids for recovery. The whey concentrate is derived from grass fed, free range cows, which are never treated with antibiotics or bovine growth hormones. Most athletes tolerate liquids better than food after a workout. Liquids also have the advantage of replenishing fluid lost during exercise, and are digested and absorbed more rapidly than solid food. Research has shown that if the recovery drink is consumed immediately after exercise, the rate of glycogen synthesis was three times higher than if it is consumed two hours later. Therefore, you should consume the drink as soon after exercising as possible to replenish your glycogen stores and begin repair...
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