
Fitness  A.  Thrusters – 3 x 10  B.  Tabata  8 Rounds of each – 20 Seconds on/10 Seconds off  Wallballs  Russian Swings  Push-ups  Burpees  Performance  A.  Clean – 5 x 1 @ 80% w/2 Min Rest  B.  Tabata  8 Rounds of each – 20 Seconds on/10 Seconds off  Thrusters @ 65lb/45lb  Russian Swings  Hang Squat Clean @ 65lb/45lb  Burpees  Sport  A.  EMOM  4 Mins x 3 TNG Cleans @ 225lb/115lb  4 Mins x 2 TNG Cleans @ 250lb/135lb  B.  Tabata  8 Rounds of each -20 Seconds on/10 Seconds off Kettlebell Thrusters @ 35lb/25lb  Power Snatches @ 75lb/55lb  Kettlebell Cleans @ 35lb/25lb  Burpees  C.  3 x ME T2B  Optional Accessory  Conditioning  A.  5 Rounds AFAP  200M Row  50 x Double-unders  Rest 3 Minutes  5 Rounds AFAP  200M Row  10 Burpees   -Post results under comments 
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CFP is proud to host the level 1 Pendlay Weight Lifting seminar by MuscledriverUSA on February 9th.  Glenn Pendlay is one of the top Olympic Lifting Coaches in the US, coaching some of the top lifters in the country.  This is a 1 day hands on seminar, the registration fee is 200 dollars.  Limited to the first 30 participants, follow this Link to register. The Super Friends Throwdown is on February 23rd starting at 9 am.  Teams of 4 battling it out through 5 plus events guarantees that this is going to be fun and crazy Throwdown.  Teams must register before January 28th to get a t-shirt for the event.  Limited to 12 teams, follow this link to register.
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CFP is proud to host the level 1 Pendlay Weight Lifting seminar by MuscledriverUSA on February 9th.  Glenn Pendlay is one of the top Olympic Lifting Coaches in the US, coaching some of the top lifters in the country.  This is a 1 day hands on seminar, the registration fee is 200 dollars.  Limited to the first 30 participants, follow this Link to register. The Super Friends Throwdown is on February 23rd starting at 9 am.  Teams of 4 battling it out through 5 plus events guarantees that this is going to be fun and crazy Throwdown.  Teams must register before January 28th to get a t-shirt for the event.  Limited to 12 teams, follow this link to register. CFP Kids at 6:30 pm! Fitness  A.  Back Squats – 3 x 10  B.  4 Rounds AFAP  10 x Jumping Pull-ups  10 x Burpees  20 x Walking Lunges  Rest 1 Min after each round  Performance  A.  Back Squats...
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CFP is proud to host the level 1 Pendlay Weight Lifting seminar by MuscledriverUSA on February 9th.  Glenn Pendlay is one of the top Olympic Lifting Coaches in the US, coaching some of the top lifters in the country.  This is a 1 day hands on seminar, the registration fee is 200 dollars.  Limited to the first 30 participants, follow this Link to register. The Super Friends Throwdown is on February 23rd starting at 9 am.  Teams of 4 battling it out through 5 plus events guarantees that this is going to be fun and crazy Throwdown.  Teams must register before January 28th to get a t-shirt for the event.  Limited to 12 teams, follow this link to register. Fitness  A.  Deadlift – 3 x 10 B.  8 Min AMRAP  10 x Russian Swings  10 x Wallball Push Press  30 x Single-unders  C.  Tabata Russian Twists – 8 x 20 sec on/10 secs off  Performance  A.  Snatch...
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PR Challenge starts at 9:30am – ?   There will be no regular classes! Holiday party starts at 7pm at CFP… be there!!
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