Just a reminder that this is our last day for our custom made CFP team shirt order. You do not have to be a competitive athlete to rock this athlete shirt. This is a great shirt to wear at all of our functions to show your support for the CFP community. This will be a one time order and we will NOT reprint this shirt so make sure you submit your order or prepare for a life full of athlete shirt regret. Follow this link to put your order in now!

A. Push Press – 3 x 10
21 – 15 – 9
Calorie Row
C. 10 Minutes Alternating TGU (Light)
A. Split Jerks – 5 x 1 @ 80% w/2 Min Rest
42 x Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb
21 x Calorie Row
30 x Wallballs
15 x Calorie Row
18 x Wallballs
9 x Calorie Row
C. 10 Minutes Alternating TGU (Light)
A. 2 x Push Press + 2 x Push Jerks – EMOM
4 Mins @ 185lb/105lb
4 Mins @ 205lb/115lb
42 x Wallballs 25lb/16lb
21 x Calorie Row
30 x Wallballs
15 x Calorie Row
18 x Wallballs
9 x Calorie Row
C. 10 Minutes Alternating TGU (Light)
Optional Accessory
Muscular Endurance
A1. 20lb weighted vest Plank – 3 x ME w/30 Sec Rest
A2. Banded Push Downs – 3 x ME w/30 Sec Rest
A3. Lying Delt Raise – 3 x ME (L/R) w/30 Sec Rest
-Post results under comments
A. 175
B; 7:30 performance
C. done
A. 100# split jerk (15# PR)
B. 8:57
C. Done
B. performance
A. 190 (5# PR)
B. 8:12 Rx
C. Done (no weight)
A. 225lbs
B. 7:41
C. 1.5 pood
A. 225
B. 6:37 performance
Split jerk @115
WOD 7:52rx
This is my first RX WOD
Push jerk: 135 didn’t want to push my body too much, been sore this wk.
wod: w/ 12# wb 8:17